

The hardware architecture is loosely based on the architecture from Klipper3D. There is one main high level CPU that is running the main software. To this one there is one or several smaller MCUs connected with more specialized tasks. This connection is made using the CANbus.

Up to 127 smaller secondary MCUs may be connected to one main CPU.

digraph CANbusDiagram { node [shape=box]; // Default node shape RPi [label=RPi , shape=box]; CANbus [label="CAN adapter", shape=box ]; CANbus1 [label="", shape=point, width=0.01]; MCU1 [label="<f0> MCU1|{sensors|actuators}", shape=record]; MCU2 [label="<f0> MCU2|actuators", shape=record]; MCU3 [label="<f0> MCU3|sensors", shape=record]; RPi -> CANbus -> CANbus1 [dir=none]; // Connect RPi to the CAN bus start CANbus1 -> MCU1:f0; CANbus1 -> MCU2:f0; CANbus1 -> MCU3:f0; }


Using the architecture above we can see that the RootMaster board is a Raspberry Pi + CANbus adapter and one smaller secondary MCU combined into one board for convenience.

digraph CANbusDiagram { rankdir=LR; node [shape=box]; subgraph cluster_RootMaster { rankdir=LR; label = "RootMaster"; style = "dashed"; fontname = "bold"; RPi [label=RPi , shape=box]; CANbus [label="CAN adapter", shape=box ]; MCU1 [label="<f0> MCU1|{sensors|actuators}", shape=record]; CANbus1 [label="", shape=point, width=0.01]; } CANbus2 [label="", shape=point, width=0.01]; MCU2 [label="<f0> MCU2|actuators", shape=record]; MCU3 [label="<f0> MCU3|sensors", shape=record]; RPi -> CANbus -> CANbus1 -> CANbus2 [dir=none]; CANbus1 -> MCU1:f0 [dir=none]; CANbus2 -> MCU2:f0; CANbus2 -> MCU3:f0; }